Create a Demand Generation Program That Consistently Builds Pipeline

by Joseph Freeman | Updated Sep 12, 2024

Create a Demand Generation Program That Consistently Builds Pipeline

Is your marketing team struggling to consistently bring in leads that convert into sales opportunities? A well-structured demand generation program is the key to building a steady pipeline. By focusing on nurturing relationships, targeting the right audiences, and optimizing your efforts at every stage, you can create a reliable flow of leads that turn into customers.

This guide shows you how to build a demand generation program that keeps your sales pipeline full—month after month—year after year.

Step 1: Define Your Demand Generation Process

Before you start running campaigns, you need a clear, structured process. Many teams fall into the trap of executing tactics without a strategy, leading to wasted resources and inconsistent results. Demand generation requires a focused, systematic approach.

Key Elements of a Demand Gen Process:

  • Target Personas: Who are you trying to reach? What are their pain points?
  • Content Strategy: What content will guide them through the buyer journey?
  • Campaign Planning: What steps will you take to engage prospects at each stage of the funnel?

Your demand gen process should always be repeatable, scalable, and aligned with your overall marketing goals.

Step 2: Build the Right Marketing Tech Stack

To execute your demand gen process effectively, you’ll need a robust marketing technology stack. The right tools will allow you to track, manage, and automate various parts of your demand generation strategy, making it easier to build a consistent pipeline. 

Core Platforms:

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Use platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce to track leads and manage relationships.
  • Marketing Automation: Tools like Mailchimp or Marketo help automate follow-ups and lead nurturing sequences.
  • Analytics Tools: Google Analytics, HubSpot, or Tableau allow you to measure the performance of your campaigns and optimize over time.

PRO TIP: At Digitopia, we prefer HubSpot because it contains all of the sales, marketing, and service tools you need for this all under one roof.

The key to success is ensuring that your tech stack integrates well, so data flows seamlessly between tools, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

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Step 3: Identify and Target High-Value Audiences

A demand gen program that works consistently needs to be laser-focused on targeting the right audience. A shotgun approach that tries to attract everyone results in wasted spend and poor conversion rates. Instead, focus on identifying high-value segments and create campaigns specifically for them.

Steps to Target High-Value Audiences:

  • Create Buyer Personas: Build detailed profiles of your ideal customers, including demographics, pain points, and key decision-making factors.
  • Use Data for Targeting: Leverage first-party and third-party data to zero in on audiences that are most likely to convert.
  • Segment Campaigns: Tailor your messaging and content to different personas and stages of the funnel.

Being hyper-specific in your targeting not only reduces waste but also ensures that the leads you attract are more likely to convert into customers.


Need help your audience segmentation and targeting? 

Step 4: Leverage Content That Drives Demand

Content is the foundation of demand generation. To build a consistent pipeline, you need a content strategy that speaks to your prospects at every stage of the buyer journey. This means creating content that not only educates and engages but also moves prospects closer to making a decision.

Types of Content for Demand Gen:

  • Top-of-Funnel (Awareness): Blog posts, infographics, and videos that highlight industry trends and address pain points.
  • Middle-of-Funnel (Consideration): Case studies, webinars, and white papers that showcase your solution and differentiate you from competitors.
  • Bottom-of-Funnel (Decision): Product demos, consultations, and free trials that provide a low-risk way for leads to engage directly with your brand.

By aligning your content with the buyer’s journey, you can consistently nurture leads until they’re ready to talk to sales.


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Step 5: Use Paid Ads to Fuel the Pipeline

Paid advertising is one of the most reliable ways to drive traffic and generate leads. However, not all paid ads are created equal. For demand gen, you need a strategy that attracts cold traffic and retargets warm leads.

Paid Ad Strategies for Demand Gen:

  • Top-of-Funnel Ads: Use Google Ads or Facebook Ads to target high-value keywords or interests that align with your personas.
  • Retargeting Ads: Use retargeting campaigns to engage visitors who have interacted with your content but haven’t yet converted.
  • Conversion-Focused Ads: Push middle-of-funnel leads toward a consultation, demo, or another high-value offer with Facebook Lead Ads or LinkedIn Ads.

A well-planned ad strategy ensures that you’re not only filling the top of your funnel but also pushing qualified leads further along in the journey.


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Step 6: Nurture Leads with Automated Email Campaigns

Even the best campaigns won’t convert every lead right away. That’s where email nurturing comes in. Automated email sequences can keep your leads engaged, offering value and insights over time until they’re ready to buy.

Effective Email Nurturing Tactics:

  • Lead Magnet Follow-Ups: Send a thank-you email with the requested content, followed by additional resources that provide deeper value.
  • Webinar Follow-Ups: For those who attend webinars or download high-value content, offer personalized next steps such as consultations or case studies.
  • Long-Term Nurturing: For leads that aren’t quite ready to buy, send valuable content every 2-3 weeks to stay top of mind.

By keeping your leads engaged over time, email nurturing helps ensure that you maintain a warm pipeline and convert more leads into customers.


Is your email nurturing generating hand raisers? No? 

Step 7: Optimize Conversion Rates at Every Stage

Many teams focus too heavily on driving traffic to the top of the funnel but neglect conversion optimization further down. For a consistent pipeline, you need to optimize at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

Key Conversion Optimization Tactics:

  • Middle of the Funnel: Focus on improving the transition from leads to marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) by offering more personalized content.
  • Bottom of the Funnel: Increase the number of opportunities that turn into sales by refining your sales process and providing relevant, timely offers.
  • Post-Sale: Don’t stop once you’ve converted a lead into a customer. Create a process to upsell, cross-sell, and turn satisfied customers into advocates.

Optimizing each stage ensures that every lead has the best chance of converting, maximizing the efficiency of your demand generation efforts.

Step 8: Track and Measure Your Results

To keep building a consistent pipeline, you need to know what’s working and what isn’t. Regularly reviewing your performance metrics helps you identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Traffic to Lead Conversion Rate: How well is your content attracting and converting visitors into leads?
  • Lead to MQL Conversion Rate: Are your leads progressing through the funnel and becoming marketing-qualified leads?
  • MQL to SQL Conversion Rate: How effectively are MQLs turning into sales-qualified leads?
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): How much are you spending to acquire each customer, and is it sustainable for your business?

By tracking these metrics, you can continually optimize your demand generation program, ensuring that it consistently fills your pipeline with high-quality leads.


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Step 9: Keep the Momentum with Commitment and Consistency

Building a demand generation program is not a “set it and forget it” process. It requires commitment and consistency over time. Stay focused on your strategy, continually optimize, and keep nurturing your leads. Over time, your efforts will compound, creating a steady, reliable pipeline of sales opportunities.

Pro Tips for Maintaining Consistency:

  • Monthly Reviews: Set aside time each month to review performance and make adjustments to your campaigns.
  • Regular Content Creation: Stay on a content schedule that keeps your audience engaged at every stage of the buyer journey.
  • Optimize Regularly: Test different approaches to see what works best and optimize based on results.

Conclusion: Start Building a Pipeline-Driven Demand Generation Program Today

A successful demand generation program requires careful planning, consistent execution, and a focus on long-term relationship-building. By following these steps—defining your process, building the right tech stack, creating valuable content, running targeted ads, and nurturing leads—you’ll build a consistent pipeline that feeds your sales team month after month.

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Topics:Content MarketingLead GenerationDigital RoadmapDigital Utopia MethodologyDemand Generation