The Digitopia Blog

How to Find and Choose the Best HubSpot Agency for You

Written by Alice Faggi | Feb 21, 2020

Maybe you’ve had HubSpot for a while, or perhaps you're looking for a new platform to support your marketing and sales divisions. Whatever the catalyst, it’s time to find an agency partner who can integrate with your team and accelerate growth.

Throughout my 15 year career prior to Digitopia, I was on the corporate marketing side, which is why I jumped to create this article for you. I’ve been in your shoes, I’ve searched for and onboarded countless agencies. I know it can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and sometimes a real nightmare. BUT, if you take some time before starting your search to evaluate your department and the brand’s needs, this process can be....enjoyable.

I’ll walk you through some of the things I’ve learned being both on the corporate side and now the agency side to help guide you through the process of choosing a HubSpot agency. If you want to work with an agency specialized in the HubSpot platform you need to make sure they are part of HubSpot's partner program.

What is the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program?

The HubSpot Solutions Partner program, once known as the HubSpot Partner Program, is HubSpot's own directory of specialized agencies. To be a part of the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program, an agency or firm must specialize in one or all three of the HubSpot Hubs.

Additionally, HubSpot has different tiers within the partner program to acknowledge partners who have executed inbound marketing services to the highest standards.

HubSpot Solutions Partner Tiers:

  1. Elite Solutions Partner
  2. Diamond Solutions Partner
  3. Platinum Solutions Partner
  4. Gold Solutions Partner
  5. Partner Solutions Partner

Agency partners within a specific tier must maintain a certain performance level linked to their knowledge within the Hubs, have a valid Partner Certification, and manage a certain volume of HubSpot clients. That said, starting at the top tier is not always going to get you the best partner for your needs. HubSpot offers a number of methods to find the right partner, but we will dive into that later.

3 Traits Every Agency Partner Should Have

The process of choosing an agency can be efficient if you focus on finding a company that can meet three important deliverables:

  1. They deliver strategic insights.
  2. They are easy to work with.
  3. They never leave you in the dark.

Deliver Strategic Insights

Having an agency partner deliver strategic insights can sound like a no-brainer, but really, it’s one of the most important things you should vet. Make sure you ask HOW they are going to deliver on this promise. Does this come in the form of a phone call? Presentation? In-person meetings? What is the frequency? Who will be working on your account and what is their background? Do they have the business experience to deliver strategic insight for your brand?

How well do they know HubSpot? What is their agency tier? Does their whole team have HubSpot certifications or just a few people? How do they stay current with the changes in the software and the industry? HubSpot's tiered designation in not infallible, you should absolutely verify your team is truly experienced within the HubSpot Hubs you have active.

What you are striving for is finding an agency that will not only accomplish your digital marketing goals but help your business grow as a whole.

They Are Easy to Work With

I’ve worked with some prestigious agencies throughout my career but some of them have been incredibly difficult to work with, either they were hard to get ahold of or would bill the company for every phone conversation or the piece of paper an agenda was printed on (that’s not an exaggeration).

Find an agency that will be easy to work with, where that principle is interwoven in how they conduct business. They are flexible in how they deliver information or meet with their clients. They are scrappy and figure things out without having to contact you about every single issue or task. They are open to admitting they will make a mistake, but they will learn from them. Make sure that the people that will be on your team are people that you like. Sounds a bit like dating, doesn’t it?

They Never Leave You In The Dark

No one likes being ghosted, especially in the client/agency relationship. Having an agency partner that vows to never leave you in the dark and executes on that principle is crucial.

Transparency is not hard. It is easily addressed by a regular meeting cadence and format that provides consistent information and helpful insights. Delivering a reporting structure that is consistent and accessible - HubSpot makes this so easy. Your agency should set up dashboards and widgets that relate to your business goals and walk you through HubSpot to the extent that you need it.

Where Do You Find a HubSpot Agency?

So now that you know the things that you need to look for in a HubSpot agency, the next question you’re asking is where do I find them? You’re in luck because HubSpot has put together the HubSpot Solutions Partner Directory where you can find the agencies that meet your criteria. There are filters that let you sort by industry and location. You’ll have access to their reviews (a must read) and their Solutions Partner Program tier.

HubSpot Sorting Filters Include:

  • Industry
  • Services
  • Budgets
  • Location - Country, State, Language
  • Partners - Tier, Team Certifications, Awards

Quick tip:
The HubSpot Partner Directory has all of its filters indexed to a fast way to find an agency in your area and specialized in your industry is to do a quick Google Search. 

Google Search:
HubSpot Agencies in [Your Target Location]

The Key Takeaways:

The agency search can be daunting and tiresome but if you are focused on the 3 key traits of a great HubSpot partner - delivering strategic insight, be easy to work with and never leave you in the dark - then it’s just a matter of time before you find the right fit.

If you are interested in finding a firm specialized in HubSpot, Digitopia has a Methodology that utilizes the HubSpot Platform as the foundation that empowers brands to systematically grow. Explore several examples of HubSpot Success Stories Here >>