How to Get More Done and Stress Less

by Nicole Barbato | Updated Nov 9, 2021

If you're feeling the pressure and having trouble finding time for anything but work, know that you're not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but it begins with you and your commitment to dedicating time (have to have time to make time!) to these three principles. We're here to help you stress less and enjoy more.

Organize Your Day - Before It Starts

First and foremost, take a deep breath before you dive into your work and emails from the weekend or the night before. This will help calm you and get you in the proper mindset before you begin your day. It's the little things that make the biggest difference. Next, create a list of tasks that you can check off when you've completed them. This makes it easy to see what your day is going to consist of and how much time each task is taking you to complete for future reference. If you don't prefer a handwritten list of tasks to organize your day, you can use a program or an app like Asana, like our team does. Give it a couple of days or so and if that app isn't getting the organizational job done for you, try another one. There are several!

Take Regular Breaks to Stretch

It is just as important to exercise at work as it is to exercise outside of work for a multitude of reasons. Not only is it beneficial for your overall health and well-being, better yet, it stimulates the brain.  Regularly exercising and stretching at work enhances your ability to focus on complex tasks, organize, think abstractly and plan for future tasks or events. It also improves working memory, such as the ability to recall a phone number in your head while you dial it. Regular movement at work, whether it's standing up briefly or doing a few stretches at your desk, boosts natural antioxidants that have the ability to kill potentially cancer-causing cells. Check out this printable infographic titled "The Health Hazards of Sitting" to find out more about the benefits of stretching and exercising at work.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Make it a point to focus on one task at a time and you will notice your stress level decline. Working on multiple tasks at once makes for a very stressful work environment. When you cut out the distractions that are wasting your time, the things that need your attention will receive the focus they deserve and you'll see improvements in your work habits. As your stress levels go down, you will begin to be able to easily identify the things that are ineffective and effective uses of your time. 

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